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De Rijke Noordzee, waar wind en natuur elkaar versterken. Bron van duurzame energie, rijk aan natuur en vol leven.
The program

Knowledge Base

Due to the various projects the programme entails, The Rich North Sea is gaining extensive knowledge and insight into nature enhancement in wind parks. To further scale up nature enhancement both today and in the future, we have categorised the available knowledge in the 'Toolbox Nature Enhancement'.

By autumn 2023, the Toolbox will be finalised: a digital environment providing market players the information needed for a nature-inclusive rollout of offshore wind farms that ensures renewable energy and a healthy natural environment. In the Toolbox, which serves as inspiration for projects worldwide, we combine scientific knowledge and operational experience. It will be open-source, allowing future projects to be launched easily and cost-efficiently. The Rich North Sea is developing the Toolbox in cooperation with the wind and hydraulic engineering sector, science and government.