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Nature enhancement toolbox

Dive into Nature Enhancement: The Rich North Sea Toolbox is Here!


We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Rich North Sea Toolbox, a virtual hub dedicated to accelerating nature enhancement for a healthy and shared sea. The Toolbox is designed to inspire, educate, and empower individuals and organizations to make a profound positive impact on marine ecosystems, starting with the North Sea.

Whether you're a marine biologist, project manager, environmental advocate, or you're curious about nature inclusive design, the Toolbox will spark your curiosity and expand your knowledge. We hope that one day, using the Toolbox isn't just a best practice, but the only way of doing business in the offshore sector.

Discover the wonders of nature enhancement for marine life

What does nature enhancement look like underwater? In an interactive experience, you'll learn what this looks like in practice. The Toolbox offers comprehensive content to help you learn about activities like reef building and scour protection, the species affected by these efforts, and find projects that apply these techniques.

Get inspired by nature enhancement projects

Along with offering comprehensive content and expert insights, the Toolbox is a resource that connects like-minded individuals and organizations committed to protecting marine ecosystems.

In our project map, you can tap on the icons in project locations to learn about real-life examples that can motivate you to embark on your own nature enhancement journey. Each project tells a unique story, where scientific methods are applied, surprising insights are found, and each journey has unique lessons.

Do you have a project to add? Click "add a project" on the map to get started.

Launch your own nature enhancement project

Ready to move from inspiration into action? The Toolbox offers practical information to help you get your project up and running. From navigating regulatory requirements to finding scientific research, our aim is to empower Toolbox users with information, and to make the process of nature enhancement accessible and achievable for all levels of expertise.

Do you have comments, information, or questions about the Toolbox? Or do you want to stay updated on the latest news with the Toolbox? Please email us at